I have written dozens of blogs, but nobody ever saw them. For a long time I thought that I have to have research and facts. The blogs need to be well thought out, perfectly written, and relevant. If I have learned anything over the past 25 years of coaching, advising, and educating is that the journey is the most important part of life. As a coach, adviser, educator, and mentor, my clients learn from my expertise, my knowledge, and my skills. However, what resonates with them, is my experiences. I love that I can share my experiences of life, change, struggle, and joy with them and they can see their lives reflected in mine. When we struggle we want someone to sit with us and say “me too”. The way the universe works is as my clients grow, change, struggle, achieve, and move along their journey, so do I. Everyday my journey shows me new opportunities for growth, I find my self in the hole of struggle, or on the summit of joy. Somehow there is always a story that resonates for my clients and they breathe in, breathe out and embrace their own story.
So here we are, the beginning of the next part of my journey, sharing my story, my thoughts, my struggles, my joy, my heartache, and everything in between with you. There is bound to be some facts, figures, and references to research, but more than anything I will share my journey. Take what works, leave what doesn’t, and remember we are the authors of our own stories.
Hang on and enjoy the journey.
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