Brain Coaching at the best time
Let’s talk about being a teenager, you will make friends, lose friends, fight with your parents, love your parents, ace a test, fail a class, have a crush, get dumped, and a hundred other things…and let’s be honest, sometimes it happens all on the same day! The middle school and high school years are…bizarre at best.
The old saying goes that these are the “best years of your life”…phooey! These years are the most interesting, amazing, hopeful, amusing, uncertain, awkward, relaxed, cheerful, joyful, confusing, disgusting, exasperating, frustrating, happy, embarrassing, infatuating, nervous, self-conscious years of your life. Along with every feeling every emotion possible, your brain is actually physically changing every single day, hormones are raging through your body, and you are supposed to decide what you want to be when you move into adulthood! Seriously?
Exactly how are you supposed to survive the craziness and thrive? That is where we come in!
SPHERE Education focuses on Brain Ownership. Did you know that the blueprint of how you think, feel, and act was all processed before you were 12 years old? As a teenager, your brain’s job is to create and strengthen billions of neural connections. It is happening every millisecond of every day. (No wonder you are so tired.) What if you had the knowledge and awareness to take an active role in this amazing complex stage of life?
Join us on your journey to #beabrainowner! Sign up today for Brain Ownership

Brain Ownership
Brain Ownership for Teens is a hybrid education and coaching program. We use video learning, Coaching, and guided reflection to help teens be more aware and focused.